
Below are common holds that may be placed on a student's record during the Enrollment and Registration Process.  

Holds may prevent a student from taking the TSI Assessment, attending New Student Orientation, or registering for classes. 

Hold Name      See Your Navigate Path Event      Why A Hold?        How Do I Remove the Hold?   Who Can I Ask?    


Complete Test Prep Module

Test Prep Module is required before testing.

Complete the Test Prep module requirement. 

Select your college:


Northeast Lakeview College 


Northwest Vista College 


Palo Alto College 


St. Philip’s College


San Antonio College  



Assessment – TSI

Take Your Placement Test

Test scores or exemption must be on file in your student record.

Have TSI scores or your exemption on file with the Assessment Center.

Bacterial Meningitis

Turn in Your Shot Records

Texas requires shot record to attend classes.

Submit your Bacterial Meningitis shot record.

New Student Orientation (NSO) and Advising

Sign Up For New Student Orientation

New students are required to attend an NSO in order to be advised and register.

Attend NSO and advising.


Take A Refresher Course

Course is required if scores below college level.

Meet with an advisor to interpret your scores and register for a refresher.